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A fun edition of El Mundo Fantasia

A fun edition of El Mundo Fantasia Last weekend, El Mundo Fantasia took place at Mondo Verde. We enjoyed seeing all those magical creatures walking around in Mondo Verde. We would like to thank everyone who contributed to a beautiful and fun edition of El Mundo Fantasia 2024! The entertainment, artists, the (cosplay) guests, the…

Tiroler Lentefeest 2024

Servus! Get those Lederhosen out of the closet. Try on your Dirndl, because the Tiroler Lentefeest is about to begin! On Saturday, April 13, 2024, the 7th edition of the Tiroler Lentefeest will take place in Mondo Verde. On this cozy evening you will listen to Zillertaler Sander, Die Limburger Buben & Freunde and Hollawind…

Landgraaf Open Air 2023

Landgraaf Open Air 2023 New artists announced for Landgraaf Open Air HuttenSpaß On Saturday, August 26, 2023, Huttenspaß is coming to give a stunning performance at the Landgraaf Open Air! Wenn es eine Sache gibt, die deutsche Partykünstler haben sollten, dann ist es Leidenschaft für deutschsprachige Musik, dann haben Sie Spaß und strahlen sie…

El Mundo Fantasia 2023

El Mundo Fantasia 2023 The most enjoyable event in the Fantasy, Steampunk, Cosplay & Anime/Manga world! On July 8 and 9, 2023, the 7th edition of El Mundo Fantasia will take place. The world gardens of Mondo Verde transform into a world of Fantasy, Cosplay, Steampunk & Anime/Manga on these two days. Experience and…

Be aware, Pinkpop is soon. Therefore..

Be aware, Pinkpop is soon. Therefore.. On June 15, 16, 17 and 18, 2023, there will be some rearrangements in this park related to Pinkpop. In Mondo Verde, the following attractions will be closed on these days: Pirate Splash, El Niño, Sailor & Pirate and the Sky Dive. The other attractions will be open. In…

Landgraaf Open Air 2023

The first edition went GREAT! 🙌 And therefore.. This year the 2nd edition of Landgraaf Open Air on Friday, August 25, 2023 and on Saturday, August 26, 2023. The event will take place at Mondo Verde's festival grounds in Landgraaf. What's in store for you? We are still preparing the musical program, but we can…

Tiroler Lentefeest 2023

Servus! Get those Lederhosen back out of the closet. Try on your Dirndl, because the Tiroler Lentefeest is about to begin! On Saturday, April 1, 2023, the 6th edition of the Tiroler Lentefeest will take place in Mondo Verde. On this cozy evening you will listen to Apenrock, Pop, Schlager and Volksmusic. Viel Spaß! Of…