A Camel weighs between 500 and 700 kilograms and grows to a size of 2 meters. On its back it has 2 humps. In these, he stores fat, which serves as an energy reserve in case of food shortage. When the humps are upright, they are filled with fat (and not water). Once the humps begin to hang to one side, the Camel feeds on the fat from the humps.
This animal species has a thick coat of fur. This protects him from both extreme heat and extreme cold. In the spring, it changes its fur. Then he loses large tufts of hair.
The Camel stores fat in its 2 humps, which serve as an energy reserve in case of food shortage. In addition, it has sealable nostrils. This prevents sand from getting into the nose during sandstorms. In addition, it has calloused pads under its paws. This provides protection from the hot sand.
A Camel loses very little moisture. As a result, it stays alive even after not drinking water for weeks. Once a camel starts drinking again after a long drought, it drinks an extraordinary amount, as much as 100 liters!