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Silvery-Cheeked Hornbill

Place to admire: Tropical Paradise

Scientific name: Bycanistes brevis

IUCN-status: Least concern


The Silvery-Cheeked Hornbill is found in the Ethiopian Highlands (Ethiopia), southeastern Sudan and central Kenya. This bird species is also found in southern to eastern Kenya and in southern Tanzania and Malawi. Furthermore, this bird species also inhabits the central part of Mozambique to the southeast of Zimbabwe.

The Silvery-Cheeked Hornbill lives in evergreen mountain and coastal forests. These forests extend to galleries, rivers, tall deciduous forests and woodlands. In the mountains, this bird species lives up to an altitude of 2,600 meters!


This species has a size between 60 to 70 centimeters. This means that this bird belongs to the medium to large-sized hornbills. The Silvery-Cheeked Hornbill has black plumage, with distinctive silver-gray feathers on the face. The rump and start coverts look black, but on the outer part of the tail, you can see white tips.


This bird species mainly eats fruits, from at least 26 plant genera. Especially stone fruits and figs as big as cherry. In addition, this species also feeds on small animals, such as insects, spiders, centipedes, lizards and birds. Despite eating a diversity of foods, it rarely drinks water.

Natural behavior

The Silvery-Cheeked Hornbill forages among foliage. Sometimes it takes food while flying. It occasionally descends to the ground to feed.

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