Park Regulations
Park rules
During your visit to Mondo Verde, you have to follow several rules. With these rules, we want everyone to have an enjoyable day and the preservation of our park to remain optimal.
Should visitors not abide by the rules, enforcement action may be taken. Such visitors will not be entitled to a refund.
Admission, entrance fees and promotions
- Access to the grounds of the park is allowed only with a valid admission ticket or by means of an invitation to an event organised in the park and through the appropriate entrance gates. The right of access ends on leaving the park.
- An objection to paid entrance fees will only be considered if it has been sent or made known on the day the payment receipt was issued. The objection may be made verbally to a reception officer or sent in writing to
- Anyone is prohibited from being on Mondo Verde premises outside opening hours.
- Online tickets must be purchased at least 2 hours prior to arrival due to processing time. Online tickets purchased on location will not be accepted.
- It is forbidden to resell tickets for the park or tickets for events organised by Mondo Verde in the car park, at the main entrance or in the park itself.
- Mondo Verde makes every effort to avoid price differences with, for example, prices on its own website or in other publications; nevertheless, typing errors are subject to change: the admission prices shown at reception are the current and applied prices. Mondo Verde does, however, make use of external discount sites, which may cause a price difference.
- The cumulative use of several actions or discount vouchers is not permitted: one action or discount voucher applies at a time.
- It is not allowed to enter the park with a (walking) bike, scooter, skateboard or other vehicle. With the exception of a wheelchair or prams. In addition, it is not allowed to bring toys such as a football or water pistol etc into the park.
- Loitering, vandalism, violence, unnecessary noise or other undesirable behaviour will not be tolerated. Possession of weapons, being under the influence of alcohol and/or narcotics, acting or being in possession of narcotics and using objects such as telephones, GoPro's, selfie sticks etc. in a dangerous and/or annoying manner are also not allowed.
- The use of drones in and around Mondo Verde is not allowed.
- We only accept the EURO.
- Notes of €200 are only accepted at reception. For this you have to pay an additional charge of €5.00 per €200 note
- Notes of €500 will not be accepted.
- In case of doubt of age, Mondo Verde reserves its right to ask for proof of identity. If no document is provided, it may be decided to charge the child entrance fee or adult entrance fee.
- Always check the receipt at the box office. Wrong or overpaid entrance fees cannot be claimed afterwards.
Animals and enclosures
- At the various animal enclosures, visitors should keep a safe distance from breeding and dangerous animals. Some animals can bite, therefore visitors should not put their hands through the fences or into the cages and personal belongings such as glasses, cameras, etc. should be handled with care. Mondo Verde cannot be held liable for any damage.
- Feeding animals where no feeder has been installed is strictly prohibited.
- Visitors are not allowed to bring (domestic) animals into the park. Exceptions to this rule are guide dogs for the blind or assistance dogs with proper documentation.
- An assistance dog or guide dog with proper documentation is allowed in our park. Mondo Verde asks that you contact Reception in advance at The assistance dog or guide dog must be equipped with a special harness indicating that it is an assistance dog. The assistance dog or guide dog is not allowed in the Tropical Paradise, the World Garden Australia, the Paradise of Birds, the Monkey Island and at the enclosures of the African Lions and Bengal Tigers (these animals become restless because of this).
- It is strictly forbidden to enter an animal enclosure or climb over the fence.
- It is forbidden to throw items, food, branches and other objects at the animals or around the animals.
- It is forbidden to take eggs from animals, pull out feathers, etc.
Attractions and playground equipment
- The use of buildings, attractions and playground equipment is entirely at your own risk. Mondo Verde is not responsible for damage and/or injury caused by their improper use.
- The attractions at Mondo Verde each have their own regulations that visitors must observe at all times. In addition, visitors must always obey instructions and directions from Mondo Verde staff.
- The management is authorised to put and keep any attraction or part of the park out of operation at its discretion, without any right to a refund (of part of the price) of the admission ticket and/or other type of compensation.
- With management approval, the staff of Mondo Verde is authorized to close attraction queues earlier.
- If visitors wilfully ignore instructions and rules of use, the operating staff may exclude them from use without refund of entrance fees being claimable. This also applies when visitors try to push ahead.
- Mondo Verde is not liable for any damage and/or injury to visitors caused by their own misconduct and/or by not following directions given by staff.
- Parking is only available in combination with an entrance ticket to Mondo Verde.
- The Mondo Verde parking lot is a paid parking lot. The parking coin should be purchased at the Ticket Office.
- If the parking coin is lost, the visitor should purchase a new parking coin at the Ticket Office.
- Cars are parked entirely at your own risk in the spaces designated for this purpose, or on the instructions of the parking attendant(s). If visitors park their cars outside the parking area indicated by Mondo Verde, Mondo Verde is entitled to remove the car or have it removed at the visitor's risk and expense.
- Mondo Verde is not responsible and/or liable for damage to cars due to burglary, collision, or otherwise. This expressly includes damage caused by storm, fire, hail, explosion or other extraordinary events.
- Holders of parking season tickets have no priority and no guarantee of a (permanent) parking space. If there are no or no longer any parking spaces available, there will therefore also be no parking spaces available for holders of parking season tickets, without any right to compensation and/or other types of reimbursement.
Photo and film shoots
- To protect your and our safety and property, camera surveillance is present on the Mondo Verde premises.
- It is forbidden to make recordings for (semi-)commercial purposes without Mondo Verde's prior written consent. Request your written consent.
- When entering the park, you give permission to be filmed and/or photographed by Mondo Verde for commercial purposes.
- Film crews and photographers who report to the entrance as such without prior written permission may be denied access to the park.
- At all times, photo reports and/or television recordings may take place in the park. If visitors do not wish to be photographed, they should avoid locations where a film crew is currently working. Mondo Verde may use these recordings for publications and promotional purposes.
- However, photos taken during your visit to Mondo Verde may only be used in strict family context. Mondo Verde is a private domain and any commercial or professional use of photos taken at Mondo Verde requires prior request or permission.
- If pictures taken at Mondo Verde are used without permission, legal action may follow.
Parties and events
- All provisions described in these general terms and conditions also apply in case of parties and events, whether or not organised by third parties, in Mondo Verde locations and/or on Mondo Verde grounds.
- No alcohol will be served under the age of 18; if in doubt, ID card or passport will be requested.
- After receiving a non-binding offer regarding parties and events, the option on agreed venues and locations remains valid for four weeks. After this, the option expires irrevocably.
- Reservations concerning parties and events become final with a down payment. The amount of the down payment is determined per party or event by the Mondo Verde Sales Manager.
- In case of a deposit leading to the final booking, the client will receive an invoice to be paid within two weeks, which will then be offset against the total invoice after the party.
- In case of a cancellation taking place after a reservation has become final, no refund of deposits will be given by Mondo Verde. Exceptions to this provision are deaths in the client's family or first-degree relatives.
- Mondo Verde accepts no liability for physical or emotional damage related to theft, damage or loss of third-party property which was in the reserved accommodation at the time the damage occurred. All possessions brought to the accommodation(s) by third parties are at the client's risk.
- Following on from the previous provision, Mondo Verde is not liable for damage caused by third parties to equipment connected by the principal or his hired (sound) technical company. Power failures are also covered by this provision.
- In case of damage or loss of objects from the interior or exterior of the rented venue and park, Mondo Verde reserves the right to hold the principal of the party or event or his stakeholder liable.
- If a guest of the client is the causer of damage or loss, the client itself is free to recover such damage from the causer.
- An arranged or unarranged buffet remains available for consumption for a maximum of two hours due to food safety and hygiene-related rules (HACCP). Leftover or unconsumed food will not be given to customers in accordance with the applicable HACCP protocol.
- All decorations installed either by Mondo Verde itself or by the principal or his stakeholder on the principal's behalf must be fire-retardant.
- Parties and events at Mondo Verde venues will not last longer than 02.00 hrs; until 02.00 hrs. For large events that (have to) last longer than 02.00 hours, a permit will have to be applied for according to municipal regulations. Additional costs involved will be charged to the client. Mondo Verde cannot be held liable for any permits not granted.
- Even in high temperatures, at least t-shirt, shorts and shoes should be worn.
- Entry to the park may be refused if you wear inappropriate clothing, which harms the family atmosphere of Mondo Verde.
- Entry to certain attractions may be denied if your clothing may pose a safety risk.
- Wearing offensive (club) clothing may be refused entry and/or removed from the park, without any right to a refund (or part of the price) of the admission ticket and/or other compensation.
- Mondo Verde is only liable for damage and/or injury caused to visitors or their goods, insofar as this damage is caused by intent or gross negligence of Mondo Verde's staff and/or persons whose actions are at Mondo Verde's expense and risk.
- If visitors notice situations that could potentially lead to damage and/or injury, please inform one of our staff members. In any case, Mondo Verde is no longer liable for damage and/or injury if the notification takes place after leaving the park.
- Mondo Verde is not liable for damages, suffered due to its own improper behaviour as also defined in these general terms and conditions.
Other provisions
- It is not allowed to enter areas outside the designated walking routes and paths.
- Plants, in any form, may not be picked, stemmed or pulled out. Should this be the case, visitors will be removed from the park. There is no right to a refund (of part of the price) of the entrance ticket and/or any other kind of compensation.
- No alcohol under 18.
- Consuming your own food and drink is not allowed in our restaurants and terraces. There are designated picnic areas in the park.
- Smoking is not allowed in the queues, attractions and catering facilities.
- Rubbish and extinguished cigarettes should be deposited in the appropriate waste bins.
- Searching and removing or taking away (the contents of) dustbins, rubbish containers, and collection bins is not allowed.
- The use of radios, speakers or other intrusive music devices is not allowed.
- In case of theft in or around our park, the police will be contacted at all times.
- For security reasons, Mondo Verde reserves the right to inspect clothes and personal items at the entrance and in the park.
- Mondo Verde reserves the right to refuse visitors who display behaviour that threatens the safety of other visitors and staff or themselves, or the animals or the attractions.
- It is forbidden to damage or take objects that are the property of Mondo Verde, its staff or other visitors Mondo Verde.
- It is prohibited to hold speeches, lectures or demonstrations, distribute propaganda, collect contributions, organize collections or beg for free items inside the park gates unless a written agreement with Mondo Verde.
- All visitors must leave the park at closing time. Otherwise, these visitors are present illegally. The departure from the park is final.
- Visitors wishing to return to the park on the same day should ask for a stamp at the reception desk. This stamp will allow them to re-enter the park on the same day.
- There are many toilets available in Mondo Verde. Visitors are obliged to use them in time. Moreover, it is forbidden to relieve oneself in a place not provided for that purpose.
- Every visitor is responsible for their belongings. Lost items may always be handed in at Reception, where they will remain available for one month. Mondo Verde cannot be held responsible for theft of, damage to or accidents involving lost objects.
- Meals, drinks and/or souvenirs sold will not be exchanged, taken back or refunded.
- Any person guilty of theft (or attempting to do so) will be automatically removed from Mondo Verde. There is no discussion on this and no compensation can be claimed by the perpetrators.
- In case of fire, accident, escaped animals, ... the instructions of Mondo Verde's FAFS officers must be strictly followed.
Violation of these Park Regulations may result in refusal to enter or removal from the park or – in certain cases – reporting to the police. You are not entitled to a refund in such cases.
The management decides in all other cases not explicitly mentioned in these Park Regulations.